Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Fun Festive Fleece Wreath!

Hello Again!
I haven't blogged in a loooong time!
Life has been pretty boring I guess but the 
holiday's always bring fun things to share!
We have the tree up and the stockings out,
and I figured that I needed to make a wreath
for the door to match right?!
I made a wreath a couple of months ago
and I have loved it so much and gotten so many 
complements on it that I figured I should 
share it on here :) 
This is the wreath I made for fall.
I loved the colors and it was very fun/easy to make. 

AND instead of hot gluing everything on, I decided
 to pin them on using the really small 
seamstress pins.
 This way I could switch out the colors each season
with out having multiple wreaths or having 
to buy more than one foam wreath form!

Here is a step by step if you want to make one for yourself.

1- Because I used pins I took out all the colors I didn't want.
This time I left the white and took out the rest.

2- Then I cut a BUNCH of 4" fleece circles
(side note, fleece is SUPER cheap and
you only need about a 1/4 max of each color. Score!)

3- Once I cut the different colored circles I
scrunch the center together with my fingers and put a 
pin in the center to hold it.... like so...

4- Then you can place them in the desired spots.
(continue doing this randomly throughout the wreath 
so that the colors are spaced evenly)

5- Once you have the wreath as covered or
as full as you want, you can leave it like that
or you can add flowers like I did!

6-  To make a flower, cut a strip of flannel about
4 - 5 inches wide and 10 - 12 inches long
(the longer the strip, the bigger the flower)

7- Then fold it over and sew 
(or staple if you are lazy like me) 
to secure the bottom.

8- Once it's secure, cut on the folded edge about half way down.

9-  Roll up the strip and voila! 

10- Once you have made your desired amount of flowers,
pin them to your wreath and you're done!

I can't wait to try more color combinations for 
Valentines day, Easter, etc.

Happy Holidays!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute, clever, practical and pretty! Thanks for sharing!!!
