Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pick yourself up, Brush yourself off

“Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as a friend.” 
― Elizabeth Gilbert

Life is a funny little thing.
I'm not sure if it's just me or maybe
just silly girls like me that over think their lives too much, 
but it's been one of those weeks where I wish I could do more, and be more.
There has been a lot of firsts this year and there are somedays where 
I feel like I just can't get a handle on everything. 
I started a new job, obviously became a wife, I applied to do online school in January
and I'm not quite sure where and how I'm supposed to fit into all of these new roles. 
Am I supposed to be a super couponer that saves enough money 
to buy a home with my husband before I'm  22?
Do I need to be the super cute crafty wife that has an apartment
 that looks like a Martha Stewart catalog?
Should I be super woman that works full time and goes to school full time 
and doesn't break a sweat?
Am I supposed to be the toned and glamorous woman that can
work yoga pants like Julianne Hough?
I will admit there are days where I feel like I have to answer YES
to all of the above questions.  
Not because my husband cares,
(He loves and supports me dearly and will probably roll his eyes if he ever reads this)
Not because my family cares, 
Not because my friends care. 
I think I feel this way (and hopefully other women) feel this way
because we have this image in our head of what our lives could be like.
Somehow if we got our lives to fit this picture perfect world then we could finally feel 
like we could relax and be satisfied. 
Like I said this week has been "one of those weeks", so today I decided to change the image in my head of who I am and what I want to accomplish and who I want to become. 

I am all about looking for good deals but I am checking extreme couponing off the list.
I enjoy doing crafts but I am going to stop drooling 
over all the beautiful homes I see on pinterest.
I am going to be brave and try to go to school and work full time but I am only going 
part time and I may cry and sweat a little while doing it. 
Finally, I am going to push myself to be more active, but I'm am going to enjoy my
life and my body and maybe even wear yoga pants to the grocery store
and fake it until I make it like Julianne Hough. 

I am going to start reminding myself that I am unique and there are things about
me that I can feel happy and proud about. 
 Like I said, life is a funny little thing and we go through cycles where we feel 
on top of the world and other times where we feel 
like we wish we could hit the restart button.
But when I comes to those down times I'm going to remind myself
to pick myself up, brush myself off, and tell myself that I am enough. 


  1. Hurray for being your own best friend. :)

  2. You always taught me that :) Thanks mom!

  3. I've enjoyed reading your blog. A good thing to always remember is to not "compare your chapter one with someone else's chapter 20." It's what I tell myself when I start to compare my life.

    1. Marie thank you! That's a great thing to remember too :) You've always been a great example to me!

  4. I probably should have proof read this one more time! Sorry for the goofs!
