Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ruffled Onsies

I finally convinced my self to try something new
and open an ETSY shop!
(Shop name is meandmrb)
I am just starting small and simple but I am excited
to see how it turns out!

These are the cutest onesies and they are perfect
for a quick baby shower gift as well
as an easy way to brighten up your baby girls outfit. 
If you are local, you more than welcome to contact me on 
my blog and buy them through here ($7) instead of going 
through my ETSY shop.
I can also do any color/size you would like :)


Busy Busy Summer!

Mr. B and I have had a pretty busy summer!
We like it that way but it goes by way too fast! 
Here's the count so far
1- Ty and I were called as secretaries in the
 Special Needs Mutual program for our region. 
We are SO excited to get to know everyone involved
and start activities this coming fall!
2- Mrs. B got her wisdom teeth out.... 
Not the greatest experience but I have heard 
bigger horror stories so no complaining here!
3- Ty bought me golf clubs and we have been a couple of times!
I got my first par the other day and was VERY excited!
4- My Grandpa moved down to live with my parents and
while my family was on vacation in Montana
we were able to spend the weekend playing 
domino's and phase 10, while eating a lot of ice cream.  
It was a fun weekend!
5- We won fireworks from Lin's Grocery!
We had such a good Fourth of July!
6- I got a new job!
I now work at a Loan and Finance company
and I am loving it so far :)
7- I just got back from girls camp.  
We had a blast and I loved getting to know the girls
in our ward better. 

Like I said it has been a busy summer but we have 
made a lot of good memories. 
We still have a month so it's not over yet
and we plan to pack in as much 
fun and golf as we can!