Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Fun Festive Fleece Wreath!

Hello Again!
I haven't blogged in a loooong time!
Life has been pretty boring I guess but the 
holiday's always bring fun things to share!
We have the tree up and the stockings out,
and I figured that I needed to make a wreath
for the door to match right?!
I made a wreath a couple of months ago
and I have loved it so much and gotten so many 
complements on it that I figured I should 
share it on here :) 
This is the wreath I made for fall.
I loved the colors and it was very fun/easy to make. 

AND instead of hot gluing everything on, I decided
 to pin them on using the really small 
seamstress pins.
 This way I could switch out the colors each season
with out having multiple wreaths or having 
to buy more than one foam wreath form!

Here is a step by step if you want to make one for yourself.

1- Because I used pins I took out all the colors I didn't want.
This time I left the white and took out the rest.

2- Then I cut a BUNCH of 4" fleece circles
(side note, fleece is SUPER cheap and
you only need about a 1/4 max of each color. Score!)

3- Once I cut the different colored circles I
scrunch the center together with my fingers and put a 
pin in the center to hold it.... like so...

4- Then you can place them in the desired spots.
(continue doing this randomly throughout the wreath 
so that the colors are spaced evenly)

5- Once you have the wreath as covered or
as full as you want, you can leave it like that
or you can add flowers like I did!

6-  To make a flower, cut a strip of flannel about
4 - 5 inches wide and 10 - 12 inches long
(the longer the strip, the bigger the flower)

7- Then fold it over and sew 
(or staple if you are lazy like me) 
to secure the bottom.

8- Once it's secure, cut on the folded edge about half way down.

9-  Roll up the strip and voila! 

10- Once you have made your desired amount of flowers,
pin them to your wreath and you're done!

I can't wait to try more color combinations for 
Valentines day, Easter, etc.

Happy Holidays!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Getaway to the Great North

Me and Mr B planned a fun getaway
a couple of weekends ago "up north".
*Side note.. I think it's funny how the Utahn's 
down south commonly say "we're going up north"
which could be anywhere from Provo to Canada...?
Anyway, we were very excited for our trip
 and it was a great getaway!

We started out having dinner and catching up 
with my good friend Heather and my sister at the 
BYU Creamery!
Sooo good.
Then we took a quick stop at 
Mr B's Tulsa, Oklahoma mission reunion.
I went to one with him while we were still dating
so it was great to see his 
sweet mission president and his wife again!

Then to kick off the night
"pun intended"
we went to the BYU vs USU football game.

YES I know we lost horribly... YES we are still fans
and always will be. :)

We really had a great time!

Football is one of the many reasons 
fall is my favorite season!

We didn't get out of there until very late
so we were excited to get to our hotel!
The next morning we slept in, had a nice breakfast
and got to watch conference on a big comfy bed!
I've never watched conference in a hotel
 before but it was definitely fun to try!
I would recommend it :)

 We were able to go and attend the second session
on Saturday and had such a wonderful time.
I love the feeling of being with so many members, united,
listening to our inspired leaders.
I am so grateful that I was blessed with this true gospel
in my life and for the chance we 
had to be encouraged and renewed.

We love our getaways and the time we get to spend with
each other without any school or work distractions.

Overall we had a great time "Up North"
but Me and Mr B decided that we love our home
"Down South"

Until next time.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Check Out Me and Mr B Etsy Shop!

Along with my sweet baby girl onesies,
I have added some word art to my shop.
Go to 
to check it out!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Did I Mention my Husband Loves Golf?

Well I should have seen this coming and quite
honestly I'm surprised he didn't think of it sooner.
My husband installed a mini putting golf course in our 
small little apartment backyard. 
I was skeptical at first but this was our before...
so obviously anything was going to be an upgrade. 
(yes that was a bridge for Mr B's RC car...boys will be boys)

After much research and planning...making blue prints and planning...
he started this hard, hot, crazy, project. 

Ty got some special sand and packed that dirt
 for hours in the hot St. George sun.
That is as flat as it gets!
We know because sweet determined Mr B checked it with a level. 

The next step was to add the turf. 
We were so impressed with how realistic this stuff is!
Not only does it look like real grass, 
it feels like real grass between your toes. 

Finally (for now, Ty still wants a bridge and a fountain and plants and....)
The wood chips!

It's too much fun!
We love going out there in the evenings to relax
and enjoy the cooler weather. 

Mr. B went golfing this week and said his chipping
has definitely improved so I guess it was worth it!

As I am writing this post Mr B continues to tell me
"It's not done, don't post it yet!"
So be prepared for updates.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ruffled Onsies

I finally convinced my self to try something new
and open an ETSY shop!
(Shop name is meandmrb)
I am just starting small and simple but I am excited
to see how it turns out!

These are the cutest onesies and they are perfect
for a quick baby shower gift as well
as an easy way to brighten up your baby girls outfit. 
If you are local, you more than welcome to contact me on 
my blog and buy them through here ($7) instead of going 
through my ETSY shop.
I can also do any color/size you would like :)


Busy Busy Summer!

Mr. B and I have had a pretty busy summer!
We like it that way but it goes by way too fast! 
Here's the count so far
1- Ty and I were called as secretaries in the
 Special Needs Mutual program for our region. 
We are SO excited to get to know everyone involved
and start activities this coming fall!
2- Mrs. B got her wisdom teeth out.... 
Not the greatest experience but I have heard 
bigger horror stories so no complaining here!
3- Ty bought me golf clubs and we have been a couple of times!
I got my first par the other day and was VERY excited!
4- My Grandpa moved down to live with my parents and
while my family was on vacation in Montana
we were able to spend the weekend playing 
domino's and phase 10, while eating a lot of ice cream.  
It was a fun weekend!
5- We won fireworks from Lin's Grocery!
We had such a good Fourth of July!
6- I got a new job!
I now work at a Loan and Finance company
and I am loving it so far :)
7- I just got back from girls camp.  
We had a blast and I loved getting to know the girls
in our ward better. 

Like I said it has been a busy summer but we have 
made a lot of good memories. 
We still have a month so it's not over yet
and we plan to pack in as much 
fun and golf as we can!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Let's Head to the Greens!

If anyone knows Mr. B very well at all you know that
he LOVES the game of golf! 
Since knowing Ty I have come to love it more and more. 
It definitely tops Hockey, NASCAR, and Boxing, let's just say that ;)
It also beats some of the other hobbies my sweet husband has. 
For example.
After a recent fishing trip that took much longer than expected,
the wives ended up chatting in the truck up on the hill,
while the boys hiked down to fish. 
As you could have guessed, we started talking about
how we don't understand how they think this is fun!
It would have been a much better trip if we had let the boys go and
we had stayed back at the cabin and watched chick flicks and played card games!

When just Ty and I were on our way home I was curious and asked him
what they had been talking about while they were fishing. 
"Nothing really, we were just saying it probably would have been a 
better trip if we had left the whiny girls back at the cabin!"
hahaha so there you go!

Although fishing is not my favorite hobby of Ty's, I do know 
it is important that we have something that we enjoy doing together. 
So, the other day after dinner with my family we decided to walk
off our dinner looking around Dick's. 

Ty was looking for a 60 degree wedge but then
I saw the cutest women's clubs that were 50% off!!
I couldn't resist and it didn't take Ty too much convincing either ;)
Sweet Mr. B gave up buying his new club and got me a set!

So of course for FHE we headed to the driving range!


We had so much fun!!
Ty was so patient with me and I am glad we found something that we can enjoy together. 
Even though I am no where close to being let
onto a golf course, we will have fun practicing and spending time together. 
I think it's important to try something new every once in awhile  
and I am so relieved I don't have to go fishing 
to be able to spend time quality time with Ty ;) 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Silly People You Can Go Inside.

The other day I was having a rough time at work.
It was busy and I was frustrated and I wanted a break.
When my lunch time came around I decided to brighten
my mood by swinging by McDonalds and getting a ice cream cone. 
(Yes I agree to some degree that food can make you happy!)
Then I drove the 3 blocks to the St. George Temple to
enjoy my treat and relax.
I rolled the windows down and listened to the radio for awhile 
while I enjoyed the nice weather. 
There were a lot of visitors walking around the grounds.
Cute little families, couples, and people enjoying the grounds all by themselves. 
Some were members, others looked like tourists, 
 but they were all enjoying the beauty 
that the sweet temple brings inside and out.  
Unfortunately my lunch break was coming to an end and as I rounded
the corner I noticed a couple taking pictures of the temple through the fence. 
I watched them for a second and thought how odd that was.
They could see everyone walking around the inside of the grounds
but decided to take a picture through the metal gates. 
I literally said out loud in my empty car, 
"Silly people, you can go inside!"
Now, I'm no photographer, so maybe they were trying to do some 
cool effect with their lens through the gate.

Regardless, something hit me.

Whether you are a member of the LDS church or not
you are welcome to more fully embrace the gospel and receive the
blessing that come from going inside the temple!

Sometimes I take this wonderful blessing for granted. 
The temple is so accessible and the spirit there is so ready with open arms
to warm your heart, teach you a lesson, allow you to serve, and enlighten your mind. 

I took away from this experience two challenges for myself. 

1- Stop being silly and GO to the temple. 
Stop taking for granted the wonderful peace
 that comes from the temple and serve!

2- Share your knowledge and show people that they can go inside!
There are so many wonderful people that are taking pictures
through the gates when they could be enjoying the full beauty within those walls. 

The temple has brought me so much comfort in my life.
Whether it's a break from a rough day at work, 
or the much needed answer to prayer, the spirit that is there has never failed me. 
I know that the Lord put temples on the earth
 to give us this comfort, relief, and to make us happy!
 I also know that he wants us to share the
 beauty of the gospel with others! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Basic Baby Blanket For Beginners

One of my very best friends is pregnant with a cute little boy. 
I started thinking about gift ideas and although new mommies 
always receive dozens of little blankets,
 I figured another cute one can't hurt right?
I am not the most experienced sewer, so quilts and such
were out of the question.
I started brainstorming and came up with this design. 

I loved how simple and cute this baby blanket 
turned out and wanted to share it with those that are looking
for a basic sewing project!
I went to Joanns Fabric to look around
and HUZZAH their snuggly flannels were on sale for
$2.50 A YARD!
Yes seriously, two full walls of fabric goodness
I couldn't decide.
I debated between 5 different patterns.
So simple because the store announcer said they would be closing soon
and  the fact that I LOVED this fabric.
the monsters won. :) 

I chose the monsters fabric first and then found another flannel 
that I felt matched but wasn't too overbearing. 

I got a yard of each and then found some fun red rick-rack for the edges.
(I would suggest getting a rick rack that is no skinnier than 3/4")

Step 1:  If any of the edges are uneven or have words on them,
trim them off without sacrificing too much of the fabric. 

Step 2: Put right sides together like so. 
Step 3: Start pinning the rick rack between the two fabrics.
I played around a little bit, but found that pinning it, 
allowing just a little of the rick rack showing on the outside,
was the perfect amount in order for the rick rack to show fully
once it was flipped inside out. 

Continue pinning down the side about 4 to 5" apart.
When it comes to the corners you have two options.
You can keep the rick rack in one piece and round the corner
and keep pinning, or you can cut the rick rack at each edge
and just make sure the corners match up without 
awkward ends hanging out.
I chose to cut the corners and pin it that way.  

Step 3: When you begin to sew, set your needle so that it is sewing 
directly in the middle of the rick rack. 
Once you have sewn around all the edges 
leave about 8 inches at the end so that you can flip it to right sides out.

Step 4:  This is where it gets a little tricky.
With the help of my mothers talent of explaining over the phone
and the visuals from Pinterest, I learned how
to make an invisible stitch!
The blog positively splendid really helped me out!

Blind (Ladder) Stitch Tutorial

Once the hole is stitched up.........

Like I said I loved how it turned out and how simple 
the design was.
Flannel is such a great fabric for babies because
it's light weight but sturdy and
is great for swaddling those cuties up tight!

This could easily be a one day project that 
you can whip out last minute.

This is my first real tutorial so if I skipped any major steps 
or was unclear in my descriptions please ask questions!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Anniversary Trip to San Diego!

I can't believe it has been a year already!
Time definitely flies when you're having fun. 
Ty is truly my best friend and we love spending time together.
It doesn't matter how much time we get to laugh and talk it's never enough.   
San Diego was beautiful and we had a fabulous time. 
Be prepared for a picture overload!

This was the the beautiful view from our room! 
It was a little out of the way but our hotel was right on the bay 
so the view was definitely worth it. 

That night we went to Mission Beach.  
It was too cold to get in the water but so relaxing to walk around. 

There was a very fun mini-golf place right next to the beach and we had a blast!
It was probably the nicest mini-golf place we have ever been to.  
AND they had pineapple dole whips just like Disneyland!

On our way out the park was closing so the 
churro guy gave these to us for FREE. Score!

The next morning we went to Balboa park.  
It was gorgeous and such a nice day to walk around. 
they had beautiful buildings, gardens and fountains. 

After Balboa Park we went to Old Town
and visited the Mormon Battalion visitors center.
The church does an amazing job of making high quality
tours for everyone to visit and learn.  
This was an interactive tour which included the opportunity for Ty to get dressed up :) 
He is a very cute solider. 

This is the view from the back of our hotel.
There was a little shack that you could rent kayaks from
so Ty and I took one out. 
A little past the harbor there was a little beach to sit and watch.  
Such a fun activity to do together! 

Lastly we went and visited the San Diego Temple. 
Gorgeous!! My goodness this place can take your breath away. 
It was so wonderful to be there and walk around with Ty. 
I truly know that the Lord's plan of happiness includes 
a temple marriage.
Being married has been one of the greatest blessings of my life.
No one else has made me feel more loved and protected.
Our marriage has encouraged me to become a better person.
I'm more selfless and more aware of what it means to truly
accept and defend someone, no matter what. 
I am so in love with my Mr. B and grateful everyday that he chose me forever. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Quick Monogram Craft

Welcome to the new blog!
I have been goofing around with a new design 
and have learned a lot of new fun tricks.

Little by little I have been decorating our little apartment but I haven't 
done anything for our bedroom....until now!
I saw this post on Pinterest

I loved the idea and thought it was soo cute!
I took the idea and kind of ran with it. 

This was so cheap and took me about an hour!
I am such a sucker for Dollarstore frames.  
Obviously these aren't as big and thick and fancy as the one on Pinterest
but it worked for me and three bucks later I was done :)
I got the letters at Michaels with a 50% off coupon whoop whoop. 
I found the fun striped paper at Michaels as well. 
Once I painted the frames and the letters I popped the paper in the frames 
and hot glued the letters to the glass of the frames. 
(Make sure you really hot glue them good.... the A fell off in the middle of
the night and scared me to death!!) 
There you go!
Quick easy and cheap decor. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Sweetest Mistake

Since school has started, Me and Mr. B have been VERY busy!
My sweet Ty is working two jobs and going to school full time and continues
to be be happy and make me laugh everyday!
He is such a hard worker, I am so grateful for him!
I am still working full time and taking two classes through Utah State. 
I have been very overwhelmed! 
I don't know what I was thinking when I thought getting a bachelors degree
while working full time would be a sinch....
haha I think I decided I wanted a trade-school version
instead of an actual degree. 
Wouldn't be so much easier to be hired for a job and to learn as you go? 
haha maybe that's not such a great idea but its sounding pretty good. 

All of this craziness has worn us down pretty good.
This past week was especially full of tests, meetings, and homework so I
was delighted when I came to work on Friday morning and received these!!

This was the following conversation...
ME: "You make me wanna cry! I love you so much sweetheart.  
What an amazing husband you are!"
TY: "I love you too.  Why do I make you wanna cry?"
ME: "Because you are so sweet! I am so grateful for you!"
TY: "You are cute. I love you so much"
(at this point Ty was thinking "...she must have woken up on the RIGHT side of the bed.)
ME: " You are too babe! What an wonderful surprise!
You can have whatever you wanted ;) haha you're amazing!"
TY: "What do you mean surprise?"
ME: "The flowers this morning! haha I was very surprised, you're the best."
TY: "Do the flowers say they are from me?"
ME: "Yeah... haha was it not supposed to?"
TY: " ...Did it have a letter with it?"

At this point I was very confused and decided to called him. 
I read the little letter attached to the flowers and it said
"Delivery date 02/14/2014"
haha they delivered it TWO weeks early!!

We were both dying!
He called the flower shop and they said that would give us 
more flowers on the correct date. 

This was one of the best mistakes ever :)
Friday was so overwhelming and those flowers made everything better!

Balancing our work, school schedules, as well as our life together has
been a challenge but we have found time to smile about the small things. 

Ty and I took a break from homework the other day 
to go to a DSU basketball game and had a great time relaxing 
and enjoying time togetether. 

No matter how busy our lives get it's the sweet simple things 
(sometimes mistakes)
that keep us smiling.